Wireshark ip skype
Wireshark ip skype

wireshark ip skype

Microsoft didn’t explicitly publish the IP addresses, but you could obtain bits and pieces of the IP addresses in play if you knew where to look. It was a simple beginning that only consisted of just over 10 IP addresses.

wireshark ip skype wireshark ip skype

To quote Admiral Ackbar, “It’s a Trap!”… A “small” but worthy goal of moving towards An圜ast routing for Skype4B so that media performance is increased by getting traffic onto the high-performance Microsoft network as soon as possible. What I will choose to cover, however, is what those TRAP IP addresses are and how they have changed over the past few months. Transport Relay aka TRAP on Skype for Business and Teams.Despite my love for creating in-the-weeds technical posts, I’ll defer on reinventing that wheel since there are already sufficient resources out there in the blog-o-sphere that talk about TRAP: Despite the major announcements around Microsoft’s change to position Teams as the first-and-foremost UC solution in the portfolio over Skype4B, the other just-as-big-change was the announcement that the underlying network infrastructure used to support Skype4B within Office365 was changing to introduce TRAP (aka – Transport Relay).

Wireshark ip skype